Tank On Cleaning was inspired by wanting to help others. When starting an aquarium there can be an overwhelming amount of information. Understanding water parameters, and terms like PPM (Parts Per Million) or MG/L can be quite daunting and subsequently, turn you off owning your own fresh water tropical or marine aquarium.
Tank On Cleaning prides itself on simplifying the process in an easy and pleasant experience, so the whole family can enjoy your wonderful centrepiece, relax to the gentle trickle of water, and watch the graceful movements of fish.
Contact Tank On Cleaning today, to find out how easy owning an aquarium can be!
Take a look at Tank On Cleanings Facebook page for regular information videos and updates.
Tank On Cleaning also does a range of work for free, helping by supporting local schools teaching children about importance of bio sustainability and aquatic Eco systems.
Please consider donating to allow Tank On Cleaning to continue this programme. As little as $1.00 can help!
Supporting local aquariums is extremely important to Tank On Cleaning! These local businesses work hard and strive to keep the best stock and information available, giving you the best opportunity to spend more time enjoying the aquarium hobby. With the hard work and passion of our LFS (Local Fish Stores), it gives us a place to purchase the best quality products, also being able to select livestock and receive personalised service.
Associated retailers

Lots Of Fins Aquarium
Paul Furlong
Julie Furlong
Caleb Furlong
Fish World Aquarium
Andy Tran
Melbourne Tropical Fish
Ravi Johnson
David Johnson