Tank On Cleaning specialises in helping to keep you aquarium clean. Whether it's a new set up to install, or an existing centrepiece, we can show you how. For a once off clean or regular maintenance, it couldn't be easier!
Biotope Water Treatment products
Biotope; African Cichlid, Total Water Conditioning Packis suitable for all African lake Cichlids.
Packs include
1 bottle of Bio-Min African Cichlid.
1 bottle of pH/KH Booster.
1 bottle of Bio-Safe.
Concentrate packs include
1 bottle of Bio-Min African Cichlid
1 bottle of pH/KH Booster.
1 bottle of Bio-Safe(concentrate)
Bio-Min African Cichlid
Stabilizes GH (general hardness) and pH levels.
Mineral supplement for all African Cichlids
Promotes strong plant growth.
Optimizes nitrification.
Bio-Min African Cichlid is a premium mineral water conditioner.
All aspects of the aquarium improve from the addition of a quality mineral supplement. Bio-Min aids the water, fish, plants, and the beneficial bacteria in the filtration system with essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, carbonates, bi-carbonates, potassium, chloride and sulfates, each of these minerals and more are blended specifically to suit the fish being kept. Bio-Min African Cichlid is designed for all African Cichlid and will buff the pH to 8.20. The water hardness of the 3 main lakes in Africa and within these lakes changes depending on the amount of minerals being released into the water. The directions below are a guide and may need to be increased depending on the species being kept. Bio-Min African Cichlid only buffs the pH and not the KH, for an ongoing stable pH the KH of the water must also be buffed, for this we recommend using Biotope pH/KH booster.
Directions To increase the GH to 12 degrees (210mg/L) add 10ml (2 teaspoon) to 10 litres of water, only treat the newly added water. For harder water adjust the dose rate as required
Biotope Water Treatment products are Tank On Cleaning's favourite Fresh water and Tropical water conditioners. Click on the image to go to the store, or contact Tank On Cleaning to order.
Bio-Green FE is an iron based plant fertilizer suitable for all aquatic plants
For heavily plant tanks.
Each week add 5ml of Bio-Green FE to 50 litres of aquarium water, this will increase the iron level to 0.50mg/L FE
Daily dose rate; When using an iron test kit, Bio-Green FE Can be add daily, it is recommend not to exceed 1.00mg/L FE
If not using an iron test kit, Bio-Green FE can be added each day at 1.5ml to 50 litres
For lightly planted tank.
Each week add 5ml of Bio-Green FE to 200 litres of aquarium water, this will increase the iron level to 0.0125mg/L FE.